The following day was a Saturday, so I was able to spend the whole day with my friend, Chi. My parents and I went to Ion Orchard along Orchard Road to meet her.
Earlier that week, I had the urge to buy closed flats for myself but I decided to hold it off so I could do my shopping at Rubi (owned by Cotton On) at Ion. Rubi sells the nicest and cheapest shoes. I bought several pairs of flats there last year and they never disappointed me. It's difficult for me to find comfortable shoes (I blame it on my wide feet :P) but their shoes just fit me perfectly. The shoes I got from there are quite overused now.
My parents had lunch at the food opera, where we would always eat whenever we go there. Chi and I ordered greasy fried goodness at Four Fingers Bon Chon!! :D They have bigger servings there than the Bon Chon in Manila (they're two entirely different franchises).


Having nowhere else to go for the day, we looked for a dessert place but most of the coffee shops were full. Singaporeans love shopping malls as much as Pinoys do. We window shopped a bit and later on, we were able to get seats at Starbucks, where we had coffee and dessert. My parents left shortly to go back to the hotel while Chi and I waited for Kitch, another batchmate from law school, who was studying at NYU-Singapore. We didn't have a plan yet, so we just thought of going to the area where the new Marina Bay Sands Hotel was located. They told me there was a lights and sounds show there by the bay that even made it to the local paper's front page, so it was pretty much a big deal. It was their first time going there too but they were able to navigate well. We rode first an MRT to get to the bus stop, but it rained (again). We literally ran to the nearest mall, The Cathay, after we got out of the MRT Station, where we.. *drumroll* ate again, this time at Kaya Toast. I swear after that, I didn't want to see food again.
After a loooong talk about the latest chismis (hihi), the rain finally stopped. We walked to the bus stop then rode a bus going to the Manila Bay Sands (while I lugged the giant tripod for good night shots).
Inside the hotel:

Chi and Kitch had sisig and inihaw na baboy dinner at Gerry's Grill (that's right), at the food court at the mall near the Marina Bay Sands. I didn't eat anything because I would burst if I did.

Look closely, you'll see the Gerry's sign:

Sisig in SG:

We made it in time for the 7 pm show. Good thing is, it didn't rain anymore that night. But the show was so-so, sad to say; I had more fun at the Songs of the Sea in Sentosa two years ago. So I just took night shots for the rest of the night while Chi and Kitch patiently waited for me.

More night shots:

The Helix Bridge:

After, we went to Spize where we (guess what) ate again! Haha. I've worked up an appetite after all that walking, so I decided to eat with them this time. We had our usual order, chicken murtabak. They both ordered Milo Godzillas. I was so tempted to get one for myself but I decided to just get milk tea. Godzilla was too much. Yes, even this tummy has limits.

Took this shot while walking from the MRT to the hotel. It was dark, I was all alone, but I didn't care as long as I got my shots. :P

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