Monday, February 20, 2012

CCF Talk - "Ang Pera Na Hindi Bitin"

I've seen the ad on the CCF Bulletin regarding the financial talk but I never considered going since the target audience was parents with children who have special needs. Last week, I joined the L.A.W. (Lord's Attorneys at Work) ministry orientation, and we were told that they needed volunteers to act as ushers at the talk. Since I had nothing to do at the time the talk was scheduled, I volunteered. I had a shoot in the afternoon so I brought along my camera, just in case they would need a photographer. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

In His Presence

I never considered myself a leader. Growing up as the youngest child with much older siblings, I was always the last one consulted for any decisions and was likewise the last one to be assigned any responsibility in the household. Being used to this kind of setup, I generally don't take responsibility over things and I don't take initiative or volunteer help unless I'm required to. I became too comfortable with the idea that I'll always be a follower but never a leader.


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