Taking a break from posting my Spring Break travel shots to give way to write about, supposedly, my best day of the year - the day I get another year older. This year is different because I just ended my 10-year term as a twentysomething. I was asked about my age earlier and I didn't realize until then how difficult it is to say, "thirty". Definitely, this isn't where I envisioned being in 10 years ago. Things have been great, and I have tons to thank for the past 30 years, but I feel that I haven't done enough - actually, I haven't done anything substantial yet - commensurate to the length of time I've been here on earth. More than anything, this birthday is a wake-up call for me to start shaping up and doing something about my life. From now on, I will be a mature, responsible adult. I promise. Hihi.
I was going to post my birthday celebrations for the past 30 years (because I'm an artista like that. Ehe). I almost turned my entire room upside down searching for all the photos, but I was unsuccessful. For some strange reason I couldn't find my 6th birthday at Jollibee, my 7th birthday at Max's, and all the other birthday celebrations here at home. I've yet to save all the digital files - I'll dig them up from my multiply site/old blogs later. Here is what I've gathered so far:
1st birthday, La Union (?)
2nd birthday, house:
3rd birthday, Jollibee. Apparently, I had a colorful love life when I was 3:
10th birthday, my aunt's house, Bingen, Germany. She baked me a strawberry cake and lit a little candle. My gift was an entire pack of Rafaelo's chocolates. And battery for the Gameboy so I'll get to play first. Hehe
19th birthday, house:
with high school friends:

20th celebration, Burgundy Tower, Katipunan (thanks Joan).
with college friends:
21st birthday, house:
Ok, I'll post the rest later. Or tomorrow. Hihi. I want to find a copy of the movie, 13 Turning 30. I want to watch it again because I have a huge crush on Mark Ruffalo :))
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