Sunday, January 29, 2012

11 things to be thankful for in 2011

Since 2007, I've been posting a year-end meme on my blog. I'll still do that for the sake of tradition but this time, I decided to start the year with a list of things I'm thankful for for the past year. (Pretty late to kick of the new year, I know) So here's my list, in no particular order:

1. Joining a Dgroup

I've been attending Sunday services in CCF for around two years, but I've never joined a small group (apart from our weekly meetings at Imagine Nation before I left). Last year, I prayed that God will lead me to the right D12/discipleship group I could grow in. Mid-2011, I texted Andy of the CCF Photo Ministry if he could refer me to a group and he sent me the number of the photo ministry girls' dgroup leader, Medal. I joined one meeting and I knew then on that I found the group I was looking for. The schedule and location were convenient, and the group seemed to have a good chemistry that I felt at home with them instantly. Also, I learned that one of the members lives at the same street I do (yes, way up in the boondocks that is farview), so she can just ride with me going home after every meeting. I've been attending since and I've learned a lot from our sessions. 

2. TSW 

I also had the privilege of joining a group in my old church where we tackled the book, The Significant Woman. Essentially, it's an interactive study on discovering God's purpose for your life. It was like a retreat that stretched on for months as we shared about our lives, experiences, skills, and talents that helped shape who we are now. The whole series was informative and I was really inspired by my groupmates. 'Also enjoyed the weekly dinner + Korean ice cream dessert. For all women out there who want to discover God's goals/purpose for their lives, I highly recommend this study. 

At Balay Indang in Cavite with the group:

3. Shooting with the Stork Studio and PuParazzi

After consistently shooting weddings for two years, I decided to concentrate on kiddie parties (although I also shot food, product, portrait, corporate events, pets).  For most of the year, I've shot for Sofia Genato of the Stork Studio. I met her only once during an event coverage two years ago (which I didn't even feel like shooting that time), but that chance encounter led me to more shooting opportunities. I was also able to shoot with Stanley Ong. I learned a lot, and still learning, from them both. Sofia, my friend Diane and I also launched Puparazzi pet photography. We plan to promote it more this year. 


3. Other photography-related stuff

I felt so blessed the past year that I was still able to shoot a lot of events while maintaining my day job. I didn't think I'd be as active with photography and I was planning on concentrating on my legal job, but opportunities kept coming in. I was pleasantly surprised to receive calls from past clients and get online inquiries from strangers who have seen my work online. At the start of the year, I appeared on TV to talk about photography as a side job (Thank you Carlo Cecilio for referring me, although I still cringe about that interview. I never actually watched it online. Waha) I also love the perks that come with the job, which could range from free food to free tickets to The Sound of Music to a vacation (sort of) in Boracay. I'm thankful that I had a few shoots with Imagine Nation last year - one in Zamboanga and one in Boracay.

4. Still, other photography-related blessings: going full frame + my 85 mm 1.8, which I've always wanted :) Thank you Sir Jong for referring me to Pixelpro and to Kevin P. for selling me your fave lens at a good price. 

5. Travel

I didn't plan to be a travel bug in 2011, but it turned out to be the year I had the most number of trips. I only realized that at the last quarter of the year when one of my cousins from the US told me that she's been following my travel adventures on Facebook and she's excited to see where I'll be going next. Last year, I've been to Nepal and Bangkok for the first time, Singapore, and Hong Kong. I also went to Zamboanga (for a shoot) and Boracay (twice - the first one for a shoot and the second one for a wedding). For some of those trips, I didn't even have an itinerary, but God filled up my schedule, thanks to my generous friends. I even met up with a friend from law school in Nepal (of all places) who was on an internship program there. Of course I had a lot of take home travel shots, and that's also something to be thankful for. Plus, I was able to shoot weddings outside of Manila and prenups in Hong Kong and Singapore. Thank you to the couples I shot for being willing victims. ;)

6. Running and exercise

In 2011, i discovered my love for running. I haven't ran in a marathon - not even in a fun run - but I simply enjoy running around the UP oval or even at the gym. I promised myself I'd keep myself fit (and hopefully, lose weight) and although I've been inconsistent with this goal last year, I'm able to run consistently during the first few weeks of 2012. 

My sister and I have also convinced the rest of the family to exercise:

7. The Unexpected Twist

Early last year, I had a bet with a friend that whoever gets a boyfriend (in my case) or a girlfriend (in his case) first will have to treat the other to a buffet at Spiral. I was so sure I won't get into a relationship any time soon that I agreed to it. Thank God my friend forgot all about it because the B happened a few months later :)) I wasn't really expecting it because at that time, I was enjoying the busy-ness of my life with work + photography + travels + church + friends + family and I wasn't exactly looking for a partner.  But then it happened. It's been four months since and I'm enjoying the ride so far :) Thank you B!

8. Family

Last year had been steady for our family and I'm thankful for that. Some relatives came from the US/Saudi/Germany. The most memorable family member is little Joleen, my cousin's granddaughter (so technically she's my grandniece.. waaahhhh), who is based in Germany. 


9. Frensips

I'm grateful for all my friends who I've been consistently meeting up with; for those who tirelessly listen to me when I'm irritated about something or (mostly) someone; to those who accompanied me during my travels or shoots. You're all awesome :D

10. Great music. And seeing Brandon Boyd again 

I got to watch the Incubus concert with my college friends, Weki and Penny. It was awesome, way better than their first concert here way back in 2004. While I was standing there cheering on the band, I suddenly missed those when I can sing the entire song, "Pardon Me" without stuttering. 

11. Milk tea and Chef Tony's popcorn. 'Nuff said. :)

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